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The Audacity To Soar




The Audacity To Soar

I VISUALISE in a world where every human joyfully embraces that they are  limitless and feels empowered to express that fullness in creation. The best way I know how to do that is to help my fellow humans be fully at peace with where your journey has brought you and show you that you are possible, in all your magnificence! I guide you to unleash your innate ability to create the life you want.

You’ll realise that everything leading up to today has equipped you to stand in your own power. You’ll be able to approach life with a renewed sense of verve, zest and vigour! And you’ll create a life that's truly without limits! A life that is completely “true” for you!

So that's what I'm going to carry on doing to the fullest of my capacity and ability. Because that's how I believe I can create the meaningful, impactful change I want for the world!


I created LIMITLESS, because I am UNWILLING to accept a world in which:

  • I am not free to be me

  • I have to play “blind” all the myriads of possibilities that are in me so that I am acceptable to others

  •  I do not get to live all the different versions of my beautiful life as may be possible!

I am UNWILLING to accept a world in which:

  • Someone has to go to sleep hungry because there is no food for them

  • A person feels locked into suffering because they have no idea how they can come out of it… 

  • A person does not feel like they can dream because, 'Well, it cannot happen for them'.

  • A woman has to stay in a situation that is dangerous for her because she has no money, no income or stature!

I am UNWILLING to accept a world in which:

  • Wealth and living wealthy is not democratized

  • Everyone is not given access to the ability to create a good life for themselves

  • A girl child is forcefully married off for money when her body cannot take the rigors of it  

  • Africa is the poster boy for poverty when she is infinitely rich!

I am UNWILLING to accept a world in which:

  • Where you start determines where you end!

  • Joy and play are scarce resources!

  • There is only one way to live!




"I VISUALISE in a world where every human joyfully embraces that they are  limitless and feels empowered to express that fullness in creation."

I created LIMITLESS, because:

I BELIEVE in a world where everyone has the freedom to fully express all their gifts, talents and innate possibilities!

I believe in a world that's full of hope and joy!

I believe in a world in which where you start does not determine where you end! Between your beginning and end, you have the power to create the outcomes you desire!

I believe in a world where money is not a limiting factor… you create your own pie!

I believe in a world where every human can truly THRIVE!

…Because I believe in a world where every human joyfully embraces that they are  limitless and feels empowered to express that fullness in creation.

THAT is the world I'm invested in with every ounce of my being. THAT is the world I crave, seek, and desire. And THAT is the world in which I'll see you, meet you, and journey with you to create!

LIMITLESS is for you, if you are:

The Corporate Maverick: You are the type of person who has worked up to a high level role, earning a great income and to everyone else, you seem to have everything but you feel drained! In a job that doesn’t make you feel fulfilled. You know you can do more, be more and you are ready for a change!

The Aligned Achiever: You are a high achiever! Life seems to be on the up and up for you… but a part of you feels empty. You are astounded by how far the life you want, is from the life you are living! A burning questions for you is “if I don’t do it now, then when?”

The Purposeful Powerhouse: You are a powerful purposeful powerhouse! You have done everything for everyone and you have been depleted by it! A martyr whose sacrifices go un-acknowledged or worse still, you’ve been told “no one asked you to make those sacrifices” and now you actually want to put you back on your list! You want to pursue your dreams! You want to see what life is possible for you and you are determined to make your best life happen!

The Light Bearer: You have built a business that’s great and satisfying but something in you screams “there has to be more to life”… You know that you are multi-passionate and you want to make a difference in creation! You want to pursue all that lies within you, with every fibre of your being!

If you see yourself in any of these; the Corporate Maverick, the Aligned Achiever, the Purposeful Powerhouse, the Light Bearer!

I see you!

I hear you!

I know you!

I have been in your shoes!

I am with you…

Join me, let’s journey together!

The Audacity To Soar
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